Gilt Trade - HC Micro RV 30-34-38 - Short Belly
No one will buy 38's. 2nd richest bond on the curve
John Wentzell
CEO / Founding Partner
Astor Ridge
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From: Stephen Creaturo <>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 9:05 AM
To: Jim Lockard <>; John Wentzell <>; Mark Funsch <>; Marc Lamoureux <>; George Whitehead <>; David Sansom <>; Robert Baida <>; Chris Williams <>; James Rice <>; Will Scott <>; Gareth Edwards <>; Peter Joos <>
Cc: Research <>
Subject: Gilt Trade - HC Micro RV 30-34-38 - Short Belly
Trade: Sell 4.5% 34 vs buying 4.75% 30(ctd) & 4.75% 38 50x50wtd
Tactical 3mo hold to mitigate carry.
Rationale: Playing the Range – Spread at multi-year lows, currently +6.1bps(range ~4.5 – 15bps)
Curvature of HC rich relative to slope of 10/20 curve generically, but relationship has been less clear post March Covid event
10y CTD 30s underperformer in Q4 – hedge instrument for many locking in rates into year end, should reverse, 10y CTD cheap in curvature relative to level of rates
No imminent impact rolling into and out of DLV Basket, IE long way to go for consideration – range should prevail first before impact of CTD bonds influencing spread
APF has exhausted 30s, but only marginal float remains for both 34s and 38s ~2bl
3x35s taps this qtr will weigh on 34s
Risk: APF exhaust 34s first, similar to pattern of the HC 27s, then 30s.
10/20 curve Flattens on risk event,(but see marginal impact to fly as the level already reflects flatter curve)
AR Model approach suggest 38s from an RV perspective are richer on the curve and begins to adjust 1-2bps for this.
(much of the richness coming from maturity metrics – but when looking at mod duration which we are doing to
achieve a more symmetrical distribution of risk along the curve – this is sharply reduced)
Carry&Roll: Negative -.5bps/3mos – would highlight though half of this is coming from the negative roll-down of models input. Looking
at it another way, we are using 30/34/38s for symmetry in the distribution of risk along the curve, hence 10/20 curve wider
than what Fly implies, if you back out the bond specific roll – you get Neg C&R 1bps/Ann
Entry: +6.15bps(short belly)
Add: +4bps
Stop: +3.25bps
Target: +11.bp
Carry & Roll – 3mos
Spread below: Gilts 30/34/38(HC) vs 10/20 Gilt Curve – Generic Spline
Graph Below: 30/34/38s LAGGED ONE YEAR. vs 27/30/34s wtd 55%x45% to maintain Duration Neutral to assess long term
rolling down of similar structure.
Stephen Creaturo
O: +44 (0) 203 - 143 – 4175
M: +44 (0) 7 809 575 890
UK: 14-16 Dowgate Hill, London UK EC4R 2SU
US: 245 Park Ave, 39th Floor, NY, NY, 10167
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